Microsoft’s Anti-Corruption Technology and Solutions

Microsoft recently announced the launch of their Anti-Corruption Technology and Solutions (ACTS) effort to coincide with the designation of December 9, 2020, as "Anti-Corruption Day" by the United Nations.
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Microsoft’s Anti-Corruption Technology and Solutions: What ACTS Means to Your Organization

Microsoft recently announced the launch of their Anti-Corruption Technology and Solutions (ACTS) effort to coincide with the designation of December 9, 2020, as “Anti-Corruption Day” by the United Nations. Microsoft created ACTS in response to the massive potential for corruption throughout the world and, in particular, the potential arising from the global pandemic. When most individuals and businesses think of “corruption,” they tend to see it as very high-level government issues or individual bad actors conspiring to rob or embezzle the companies or organizations they were hired to lead. However, anti-corruption technologies can have implications far beyond the normal definition of corruption.


At this point, every organization worldwide has been impacted at some level by the virus. However, recent news from the big pharmaceutical companies that distributions of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States should begin shortly has brought a new spirit of optimism, even with the acknowledged fact that it will take time. There are still months to go before the solution is widely felt. However, with an end in sight, many are starting to contemplate what it will take to get back to the business of business fully.

Whether the pandemic was a blow to your business or of benefit to your bottom line, as we have all scrambled to react to the virus, there hasn’t been enough time in 2020 for most to actively contemplate what the future of business will look like in the world as it will become. Instead, most organizations have been in reactive mode, simply ensuring their customers, employees, and businesses survive and hopefully thrive in the current environment. Now that we can begin to think about, “And then what?” it’s time to begin thinking about what’s next for your organization.

According to their announcement, throughout the next ten years, “Microsoft ACTS will leverage the company’s investments in cloud computing, data visualization, AI, machine learning, and other emerging technologies to enhance transparency and to detect and deter corruption.”

While many small- and medium-sized businesses like yours are already using cloud computing and data visualization, the implications for anti-corruption haven’t always been a consideration. Many businesses of all sizes have also pushed artificial intelligence and machine learning off to the side in need to respond nimbly to the pandemic’s far-reaching effects in our various areas.

However, the implications for using Microsoft’s anti-corruption efforts have real impact on the less visible pieces that keep your business thriving. With built-in pattern recognition and alerts for suspected fraud, scams, or corruption in purchasing and procurement software, as well as in supply chains across the globe, the savings to businesses like yours may well be substantial. These are only a few examples of how these efforts could impact your business. Avoiding the bad actors in this world is always an aim to keep in mind. It’s much more easily done when the day-to-day business operations infrastructure can flag problems before they occur.

Our 15 years of experience of state-of-the-art IT solutions, and in particular in the Microsoft suite of software and hardware, are always on offer to businesses like yours, and not just to make sure your company is protected from the corrupt actors of those who come out of the woodwork at tragic junctures like the pandemic. There are also any number of other ways we can assist in making your  successful return to post-pandemic IT operations:

  • Help You Save On Costs
  • Manage Your Data Security
  • Monitor and Maintain Your Networks
  • Help With Implementing New Technologies
  • Assist With Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Help Desk Services
  • Compliance Services in Your Industry
  • Cybersecurity Training

Please contact us today for the IT services and solutions you need to make your current and post-pandemic transitions easy and efficient.

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